Customized Large Caliber DN800mm DN900mm DN1000mm 1200mm 1400mm PE Hollow Bar

Product Details
Customization: Available
Material: PE
Hardness: Hard Tube
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  • Customized Large Caliber DN800mm DN900mm DN1000mm 1200mm 1400mm PE Hollow Bar
  • Customized Large Caliber DN800mm DN900mm DN1000mm 1200mm 1400mm PE Hollow Bar
  • Customized Large Caliber DN800mm DN900mm DN1000mm 1200mm 1400mm PE Hollow Bar
  • Customized Large Caliber DN800mm DN900mm DN1000mm 1200mm 1400mm PE Hollow Bar
  • Customized Large Caliber DN800mm DN900mm DN1000mm 1200mm 1400mm PE Hollow Bar
  • Customized Large Caliber DN800mm DN900mm DN1000mm 1200mm 1400mm PE Hollow Bar
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Basic Info.

Model NO.
Thermoplastic Pipe
Drainpipe, Water Supply Pipe, Agricultural Irrigation Pipe
Model Number
DN63 - DN1200
Connection Method
Hot Fusion Butt Welding
Working Pressure
Pn10, Pn12.5, Pn16
for HDPE Pipe Joint
Transport Package
International Standard Package
Jinan, Shandong
HS Code
Production Capacity

Product Description

Customized Large Caliber DN800mm DN900mm DN1000mm 1200mm 1400mm PE Hollow BarCustomized Large Caliber DN800mm DN900mm DN1000mm 1200mm 1400mm PE Hollow BarCustomized Large Caliber DN800mm DN900mm DN1000mm 1200mm 1400mm PE Hollow BarCustomized Large Caliber DN800mm DN900mm DN1000mm 1200mm 1400mm PE Hollow BarCustomized Large Caliber DN800mm DN900mm DN1000mm 1200mm 1400mm PE Hollow Bar

The PE hollow bar produced by our company is made of high quality PE100 grade raw materials through extrusion processing. It has good chemical stability, high rigidity and toughness, and high mechanical strength. It is suitable for machining parts of machinery manufacturing industry, chemical industry and environmental protection equipment. PE hollow bar has excellent physical properties and anti-aging and anti-chemical corrosion ability that cannot be compared with other polymer synthetic materials. PE pipe fittings processed by PE hollow bar are widely used in water supply, gas, coal mine, chemical industry, dredging and other fields.


                                                          PE hollow bar   Tolerance:Outside diameter+1%,Inner diameter-1%
Outside diameter mm Inner diameter mm Outside diameter mm Inner diameter mm Outside diameter mm Inner diameter mm Outside diameter mm Inner diameter mm Outside diameter mm Inner diameter mm Outside diameter mm Inner diameter mm
78 44 186 137 281 118 359 255 485 225 592 431
92 44 208 44 281 137 359 284 485 255 592 451
92 49 208 49 281 157 378 63 485 284 640 225
92 59 208 59 281 176 378 88 485 320 640 255
107 44 208 78 281 196 378 98 485 361 640 284
107 49 208 88 281 225 378 118 514 63 640 320
107 59 208 98 301 63 378 137 514 88 640 361
107 78 208 118 301 88 378 157 514 98 640 402
126 44 208 127 301 98 378 176 514 118 640 431
126 49 208 137 301 118 378 196 514 137 640 451
126 59 228 44 301 137 378 225 514 157 640 480
126 78 228 49 301 157 378 255 514 176 698 225
126 88 228 59 301 176 378 284 514 196 698 255
146 44 228 63 301 196 412 63 514 225 698 284
146 49 228 78 301 225 412 88 514 255 698 320
146 59 228 88 301 255 412 98 514 284 698 361
146 78 228 98 320 63 412 118 514 320 698 402
146 88 228 118 320 88 412 137 514 361 698 431
146 98 228 127 320 98 412 157 543 63 698 451
165 44 228 137 320 118 412 176 543 88 698 480
165 49 228 157 320 137 412 196 543 98 698 510
165 59 228 176 320 157 412 225 543 118 698 549
165 78 238 44 320 176 412 255 543 137 718 225
165 88 238 49 320 196 412 284 543 157 718 255
165 98 238 59 320 225 412 320 543 176 718 284
165 118 238 63 320 255 461 63 543 196 718 320
165 127 238 78 340 63 461 88 543 225 718 361
165 137 238 88 340 88 461 98 543 255 718 402
178 44 238 98 340 98 461 118 543 284 718 431
178 49 238 118 340 118 461 137 543 320 718 451
178 59 238 127 340 137 461 157 543 361 718 480
178 78 238 137 340 157 461 176 553 225 718 510
178 88 238 157 340 176 461 196 553 255 718 549
178 98 238 176 340 196 461 225 553 284 815 225
178 118 260 63 340 225 461 255 553 320 815 255
178 127 260 88 340 255 461 284 553 361 815 284
178 137 260 98 359 63 461 320 553 402 815 320
186 44 260 118 359 88 485 63 553 431 815 361
186 49 260 137 359 98 485 88 553 451 815 402
186 59 260 157 359 118 485 98 592 225 815 431
186 78 260 176 359 137 485 118 592 255 815 451
186 88 260 196 359 157 485 137 592 284 815 480
186 98 281 63 359 176 485 157 592 320 815 510
186 118 281 88 359 196 485 176 592 361 815 549
186 127 281 98 359 225 485 196 592 402 815 588
                                           PE hollow bar                         
Outside diameter mm Inner diameter mm Outside diameter mm Inner diameter mm Outside diameter mm Inner diameter mm            
815 627 1125 666 1552 951            
922 225 1125 735 1552 1176            
922 255 1125 774 1552 1215            
922 284 1125 794 1746 882            
922 320 1125 862 1746 951            
922 361 1213 225 1746 1176            
922 402 1213 255 1746 1215            
922 431 1213 284 1746 1372            
922 451 1213 320 1959 882            
922 480 1213 361 1959 951            
922 510 1213 402 1959 1176            
922 549 1213 431 1959 1215            
922 588 1213 451 1959 1372            
922 627 1213 480 1959 1568            
922 666 1213 510 2231 882            
1019 225 1213 549 2231 951            
1019 255 1213 588 2231 1176            
1019 284 1213 627 2231 1215            
1019 320 1213 666 2231 1372            
1019 361 1213 735 2231 1568            
1019 402 1213 774 2231 1784            
1019 431 1213 794                
1019 451 1213 862                
1019 480 1213 951                
1019 510 1348 225                
1019 549 1348 255                
1019 588 1348 284                
1019 627 1348 320                
1019 666 1348 361                
1019 735 1348 402                
1019 774 1348 431                
1019 794 1348 451                
1125 225 1348 480                
1125 255 1348 510                
1125 284 1348 549                
1125 320 1348 588                
1125 361 1348 627                
1125 402 1348 666                
1125 431 1348 735                
1125 451 1348 774                
1125 480 1348 794                
1125 510 1348 862                
1125 549 1348 951                
1125 588 1348 1058                
1125 627 1552 882                


Connection Mode:Butt Welding

Pressure Rating:0.4MPA-2.5MPa

Executive Standard:GB/T 13663.2,GB 15558.2,prEN 12201-3,ISO 4427,ISO 4437

Features:The PE Scour Tee produced by our company is made of PE hollow bar by turning processing, integrated forming, good quality, complete specifications, the maximum diameter is 1000mm, and can be customized according to customer requirements of various non-standard diameter tee, can be widely used in gas, water supply, chemical, dredging and other fields, welcome customers to inquire!

PN16 PE butt fusion cross tee pe100 poly pipe fittings

Welcome to out Alishop, we can supply HDPE Stub end with flanges, also other HDPE pipe fittings.

1. 100% virgin materials.

2. Butt fuson HDPE pipe fittings, from 50mm to 1200mm.

3. Socket fusion HDPE pipe fittings, from 20mm to 110mm.

4. Electrical fusion HDPE pipe fittings, from 20mm to 800mm.

5. PE/PP Compression fittings, from 20mm to 110mm.

6. Working pressure: PN10, PN12.5, PN16.


Product Application:

1.       old and hot water supply systems

2.       Central air conditioning system

3.       Industrial transportation such as conveying or discharging chemical media

4.       Heating Systems, including floor, wall panel heating and radiant Heating systems

Product Features:

1.         Environment Protection and safer use

2.         Energy saving

3.         High temperature resistance:

4.         Wear resistance

5.         Light weight

6.         Good Corrosion resistance

7.         Lower system and maintenance costs

8.         Excellent  Longevity


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